Dead Cucumbers are Dead

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that my peas are doing great and I'm harvesting them now:

The bad news is that the frost got the cucumbers literally the night I decided to put them out. They're dead. The flowering cucumbers that I was so excited about are dead. So I replanted them and like 2 nights later another frost came and now those seeds are dead too. I HATE Wisconsin's weather sometimes, I really do. Today is the first decent day we've had pretty much all month, it's been either cold, rainy, windy, or a combination of all three.

I did at least get the tomatoes out onto the porch permanently. Two are tall and doing very well, one is shorter but still seems pretty healthy, and the 4th might end up going because it's spindly and doesn't have many leaves. I probably don't have room for 4 tomato plants anyhow so if I have to cull the last one I won't shed any tears over it. I need to buy some dirt so I can plant my pole beans and I'm going to replant my cucumbers for a third time soon as well.

Since my grow lights on top of the fridge are now unused I'm considering getting another rubbermaid container and starting an herb garden up there just to see what I can accomplish. I'm going to buy a basil plant and put that outside so it won't take over, I'm not sure what I'll plant inside. I'll come to a decision by time I go to the store for dirt.

In other news, I made a kickass pizza the other day with half of a double batch of bread dough (in retrospect it was too much). In the dough I used 2 eggs that my dad brought up from Kentucky. He gets them from a guy from church who pastures his hens and holy cow are these eggs amazing. The yolks from 2 eggs were such a dark, rich orange that they made my double batch of dough yellow instead of the light tan color it usually is. It was delicious. Here's the pizza:

Go ahead and drool, you know you want to. And yes, it was pretty darn good. Next time I'll use less because the rising crust pushed all the toppings into the middle, which made it a mess to eat. It was still delicious though. :)

I'll try to update more often, we've been very busy though between wedding planning, opposite shifts at work, and being somewhat social. Hopefully my schedule will improve soon. Cheers!
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