Well that was fast.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I just went outside to look at the plants, I try to go out once or twice a day and pick off aphids and see if any of them need water just yet. Also a good opportunity to see if any progress has been made as far as produce goes. Today is a productive day! My bean blossoms have already dropped, revealing a tiny half-inch bean pod within each. My dad said it'd only be maybe 2 or 3 weeks and I'd have me some 9 inch Kentucky Wonder beans to eat. Victory!

Speaking of eating. Right this very moment I have toast spread with butter and strawberry preserves on my plate. We went to the Dane County Farmers Market in Madison this past Saturday and I cannot begin to tell you how good the haul was. We came back with carrots, potatoes, some 6 year white cheddar, 16 ounce jars of strawberry and peach preserves, a quart of strawberries,2 sirloin steaks, and a 23 ounce jar of raw honey (ought to fuel my addiction for a while, eh?) plus some more that my dad took to my mom. The potatoes, half the carrots and strawberries, and the steaks are already gone and I'm hoping the strawberry preserves and honey lasts me until September, when my dad and I are planning another trip to stock back up and get a bunch of apples to can. It was really enjoyable having my dad up for a visit. He likes to do a lot of the stuff I like to do. We went to Half-Price Books on Sunday before Trevor got home and both of us found books to buy. I was especially happy to find a book detailing how to make delicious and intricately decorated pie crusts, not to mention a nice recipe binder. He found an old book on the Honeymooners and picked up a gardening book for my mom. He's back home now, having left yesterday morning.

Today is going to have to be a cleaning sort of day since we're having company tomorrow after we come home from the zoo. I have a sink full of dishes to do as well as several loads of laundry, and I also need to vacuum. I probably ought to get my butt up early tomorrow and bake some scones or something too, since putting these preserves on store-bought bread isn't as good and I'd almost consider it a waste considering how amazing the preserves are. The last batch of scones I baked (plain ones) didn't even last a day between me, my dad, Trevor, and the mounds of preserves and honey we smeared them with. We feasted like kings Sunday, let me tell you.

Well, chores are calling, so I'm out. :)


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