Transplanting Time

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alright, the news on the seedlings is: Tomatoes are great, cucumbers are great, peas are already permanently outdoors save for hard frost nights, spinach has croaked. Apparently starting spinach seedlings indoors just doesn't work. I scattered some into my rubbermaid bin outside today so they should be sprouting within the week.

Today I'm considering finally transplanting the tomatoes and cucumbers; a task that I've been putting off due to lack of space. I picked out five tomato plants which each have to go into their own container and I'm not sure how I'll fit them all on top of the fridge. The cucumbers I'm going to put into two large containers I think. Again, I have no idea how to get them all under the lights. Looks like I might have jumped the gun on the summer veggies. Probably should have waited until this week to start them. Oh well. Maybe I'll try to see if I can't put the tomatoes into smaller pots first before putting them into their huge outdoor pots when it's warm enough. Oh yeah, I'm also going to start pole beans once the last frost date is past. That's sometime around the end of April I think.

The weather certainly has been beautiful lately, save for a few foggy/rainy days. Right now the door to the balcony is wide open, the birds are singing their little heads off, and a nice breeze is blowing in. I have bread proofing on the counter for tonight's dinner (Vegetable soup) and Trev brought home The Princess and the Frog on Blu-Ray for us to watch tonight. I'm going to try to talk him into a walk when he gets home. Wedding planning is going alright, we still have a lot to do and have to go to Theresa in order to do it but we'll get it done.

That's pretty much it for now. Pretty soon I'll start getting pictures of the seedlings and I'll probably round up some of the recipes I've been perfecting to post. I'm also planning on making a carrot cake soon, we'll see how that turns out. Until next time.


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