In which I introduce my kitties, boyfriend, and garden.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

These are my two cats. The one on top of the doors is Tarquin. Tarquin... likes to do dumb things. This is clearly demonstrated in this picture, where he has opened the closet, climbed through all the junk in the closet, and pulled himself onto the top of the doors. I don't know why Tarquin does these things, I just know that when he gets it in his mind to get into something he's probably going to do it whether we try to deter him or not. If we keep him from getting into the closet, he'll just go under the sink and get stuck, or behind the entertainment center. Or on top of the bathroom door. The little one on the floor there is Sebastian. Sebastian loves me very much, and rubs on my legs while I'm cooking and asks me to pick him up so he can purr and lick my arm. He bites Trevor. He bites any company we have. He bites my mother. He bites everyone else who tries to pet him. Hell, he even bites me sometimes. But I loves him anyway. :3

This is Trevor. He's my boyfriend, hopefully soon to be fiance, hopefully eventually to be husband. We've been together going on 3 years now. He works hard and puts up with a lot of crap from his girlfriend, who has ADD and random bouts of depression (not to mention horrible PMS.) I love him just because he's Trevor, but I especially love him because he praises my cooking, tells me how pretty I am, and no matter how clingy and pouty I'm being he'll always hug me until I get tired of it. Trevor loves video games. No, really, I mean he loves video games. If he's home from work, he's probably playing a game unless we've got company over. And even then they're probably playing something that has multiplayer.

And now, the garden. These are all early pictures, I'll post current ones in my next post. These here are Quinault strawberries, an everbearing variety. The little flowerheads I'm holding there eventually turned into fat little strawberries. They were a little bitter, which was disappointing, but these plants are only in their first year so they still need time to get established. Next year's first crop will probably be bigger, fatter, and more delicious.

More strawberries, this time in a hanging basket. I'm up to 7 strawberry plants now since the other pot put out 3 runners.

These are tomato plants that I foolishly thought would have enough room to grow in one of these little containers. They're actually doing okay now; the top one has lots of flowers and a tiny tomato and the bottom one at least has a few flowers. When these plants are done I'll reuse the container, but not for tomatoes I don't think.

These are tomatoes that were growing way back when I first bought the plant. This is one of those $10 container tomatoes from Lowe's. Trevor has since eaten some of these tomatoes and declared them to be good. I'm not a fan of raw tomatoes, unfortunately, so I'll have to take his word for it.

Ah, my poor peas. I overfertilized these, so they unfortunately never flowered. Too much nitrogen in the soil makes for lovely green foliage but you sort of need flowers for produce. I should have given them phosphorus. So, I had to pull them up to make room for my pole beans. These will be planted again in the fall since the summer heat is way too much for them. I actually had a couple spring back up from the pot I pulled them out of, and decided to let them grow along with the strawberry runners I had started there since they were such little troopers. Well, that was before the 93 degree three-day hot spell we had. Farewell, ye peas, we hardly knew ye.


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